A review by bookitallaway
A Scholar of Beauty by Jen Lynning


I was wary going into this book considering I wasn't a super fan of A Lady of Truth, however, I was pleasantly surprised! She gave a lot more time and dedication to the plot and character depths. There was definitely a balance between doing what you need to do/what's expected of you, versus choosing to follow your own path to happiness.

What I liked:
--- I LOVED the strong MFC and how smart and strong willed she is portrayed as being
--- I loved the sense of familial duty and the struggle between helping them and yourself
--- MMC was a gem, super sweet
--- I'm glad that the MFC didn't dumb down herself to suit her potential male caller
--- The storyline with the zealots and the Balance and how different people's intentions are when it comes to 'restoring' the balance
--- The zealots were an interesting portion of the story, I am intrigued enough to want to know more!

What I didn't like:
--- Poor, sweet, handsome MMC. I felt like he was so sweet and kind, but that it didn't leave much to flush out his personality as a person.
--- I had a hard time believing he just all of a sudden one day realized he was madly in love with our MFC. It was too forced in my opinion. Sweet and tender but forced.
--- Secondary characters felt more like 3rd or 4th circle characters. Not a lot of development with them or flushing out of a grander storyline. Like they were just meh people because they were meh people. I wanted more.
--- Needed more info on the parents. Was hard to feel empathy to relate to the character's plight or struggle. Needed more explanation or depth. It all felt superficial.

Overall, if you're looking for a fun read, soft, sweet romance with a hint of spice, this is for you. It's a feel good romance with a few plot holes, but all around an enjoyable read!

Spice: 1/5--- not much happening except one scene
Plot: 4/5
Character Dev: 4/5
Overall: 4/5