A review by adw7984
With My Body by Nikki Gemmell


This book is everything that 50 shades is not. It is well written, it's sexy, it's relatable and no one's inner goddess made an appearance.

I know some people had a problem with the age gap between the unnamed main character and Tol. I didn't have a problem, I assumed she was about 16 or 17 (17 according the the back of the book interview) and I didn't figure he was much older than 25. Now I know it still seems odd, but I think it was open to interpretation and overall I really don't think that is what the book was about. Yes, their relationship was talked about a lot. However, the narrator is learning to love herself in a way and it's all about that relationship and how other people can feed into that relationship. She was able to accomplish what most women are unable to. She was confident and comfortable in her skin.

This is not a typical romance book, with rowdy sexual images. The sexuality displayed in this book is almost like poetry. It's beautiful and elegant. I loved how each chapter was actually a lesson, the words flowed so smoothly.

Even though I have no children, and I'm not married. This book really spoke to me, and I think that's the beauty of this book. Every woman can relate in some way, whether we feel stuck in a rut, or whether a relationship has brought us down in some way.

I've already ordered two of Nikki's other books, and I cannot wait to read them!

This book was provided for review on Confessions of a Bookaholic. All thoughts and opinions are my own.