A review by nborge
Brain Wash: Detox Your Mind for Clearer Thinking, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Happiness by David Perlmutter, Austin Perlmutter


While I can appreciate the motivation and theories behind the book, there comes a point when speaking about food and produce where I was completely turned off. Most of the book regurgitates studies after studies with citation to claims, this all ends at the food section. They make a claim that conventional produce is inferior to organic with nothing to back that up. They use words like “big AG” meaning the agricultural industry and blame the development of this industry on the decline of our health and mental well-being. It seems like they fail to realize that “big organic” is an industry all in its own. They claim GMO foods are also a cause of inflammation with zero research to back that up. Finally what rubbed me the wrong way was a passage in the book that says “Our food has been modified in part by pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antibiotics we use. Eating organic food, though more expensive than conventionally grown food, is a way of regaining control of the chemical messages that enter your body. When it comes to food expenditures, you pay more for healthful foods now or spend a lot more later to treat the diseases that result” talk about PRIVILEGE! When it comes down to eating conventional broccoli vs organic, if all you can afford is conventional you should not be made to feel that there’s no point in even eating it. Again this claim has no sources to back it up and makes me wonder who’s funding these doctors? It’s like they’ve always grown up with money and have no idea what it feels like to wonder if you’ll have enough money for your next meal.
While I love the ideas that less use of social media and more time outdoors and getting more sleep are fundamental to a healthier life, it’s their attitudes towards food and lack of sources to back them up that make me give this book two stars. I’m assuming these two privileged doctors don’t spend much time with the people who are struggling financially, and they cater to the wealthy.
I wanted to like this book, I had really high hopes but I was so disappointed by the end.