A review by soniagracelm
The God Engines by John Scalzi


For the full review, visit http://darkladyreviews.tumblr.com/

I’ve seen The God Engines described as dark fantasy, but I definitely put it in the sci-fi genre. It just happens to have some fantastic elements. It is unquestionably very dark though. There are a few really gruesome scenes, and Scalzi does not hesitate to describe every detail. I’m not especially squeamish, but if this were a movie I would probably have my eyes closed about a third of the time.

There’s an element of Stephen King-esque horror to it that made me not love it right off the bat, but while that element remains in the story, it doesn’t detract from the book. I ended up thinking it was one of the best dark sci-fi books I’d ever read. Scalzi is really good at twists, and this book contains a really excellent one. I won’t give it away, but I will say this: even if you don’t like it at first, don’t give up. Things are not always as they appear. I would also add a word of caution for people who love sci-fi and have never read John Scalzi: this is not representative of his work. The God Engines is very different from everything else he’s written.