A review by raforall
The Ghost That Ate Us by Daniel Kraus


Star Review in the May 1 issue of Booklist and on the blog: https://raforall.blogspot.com/2022/05/what-im-reading-ghost-that-ate-us-by.html

There Words That Describe This Book: verisimilitude, immersive, escalating dread

As a good a true crime book as I'll Be Gone in the Dark except NONE OF IT IS REAL. And yet, people who love True Crime will love the realism here.

Less wink and nod meta than Chasing the Boogeyman by Chizmar because there is very little of Kraus' life here except being from Iowa and understanding the people. It is not a bio with a crime-- it is a true [fictional] crime with so much realism that it is immersive, but also adds a level of creepiness. I think it is more like Reprieve by James Han Mattson.

And, and this is key to me giving a star review, he stuck the landing. He stuck it so much you could read the last page first. Don't do that, because it is better if you don't. but when you get to the last page, you will be glad you read the entire book. And you will have a whole body shiver. What more could you ask for a horror novel.