A review by brandypainter
Snowspelled by Stephanie Burgis


When this book first came out, I was in the moving process and overwhelmed. Then I decided to wait for cold and the Christmas season came, and I found myself more overwhelmed. As soon as Christmas gatherings were behind me, it became my number one priority. And I loved it so much.

Snowspelled takes place in an alternate historical England (Angland). For such a short work, Burgis did an incredible job of building the world and making the differences from our own believable in the context of actual history but where magic exists and all manner of fantastical beings are real. There are malevolent elves, angry trolls, magicians, and a group of women politicians who rule the country. What is done with the gender roles and politics is clever and subversive without being heavy handed or absurd.

But really I just loved it because it was fun and exactly the sort of romantic story I like: prickly girl who is stubborn, boy down for the count when it comes to her in all ways. Cassandra carries her story well and is a character I will gladly read as many books about as Stephanie wants to write. I love her with Wrexham and everything their partnership is. I also adore Amy and Jonathan (Jonathan is definitely my second favorite character) and want more of them too! This was perfectly what I needed to read this week. I'm so happy it exists.