A review by michael_benavidez
Fatale, Volume 2 by Ed Brubaker


So this continues the story from the last issue.
Sadly it continues it with a bunch of stand alone issues that seem to have been released in between the previous issues. This has always been a peeve of mine, when series have been placed into a bundle. They tend to take stand alone issues and throw them all together somewhere in the beginning of the next bundle just so they can not worry about that. I feel like it takes away from the story they want to tell.
Like with this Deluxe Edition for example. The stand alone issues seem out of place, and slightly bored without the context of when they should have appeared. Or maybe this is the order they were released, in which case I still don't like it. It seems rushed to give us some explanation so they don't have to do it later on.
Anywho, that's why i got the one star off. I think that could have been handled better, and it's a bit of a nitpick. So sue me, not really. Please don't.
The rest of the story does well, though. It picks things up, both past and present. Gives us a time slot and connects the characters really well to get us to the finale we needed. The art for that finale, while completely different from the episodic panels from the rest of the series, is phenomenal. It takes everything that was built up and let things land as they should have.
The ending is a bit lackluster, but it's the perfect ending to be honest. There's really no other way it could have ended, and for the two main characters, they got their peace. Or as much peace as they could ever have.