A review by vkemp
The Frost on His Shoulders by Lisa Dillman, Lorenzo Mediano


A fusion of a traditional folk tale with political allegory, set in rural Spain during the time of the Spanish Civil War. Biesco de Obago is a small village in the Spanish Pyrenees, where a shepherd named Ramon falls in love with the daughter of a prominent land-owner. Ramon turns to smuggling to earn enough money to declare his love and claim his beloved's hand. Emotions can run high in isolated villages, barren of other entertainment where feuds can endure for a long time. Ramon's smuggling also serves to make him an outcast from his fellow peasants, who resent his new-found wealth. Long-standing conflicts come to a head, this short tale is filled with derring-do and passion. A bit too literary for my taste, but I am notoriously plebian in my reading choice.