A review by katmarhan
Magi'i of Cyador by L.E. Modesitt Jr.


This installment in the Saga of Recluce series takes us to what is, for now anyway, the earliest events in the chronology. No Black Order wizards--the Dark Angels have not yet fallen from the skies. Still, the Chaos weilders are not only centuries into their time on Candor, but are already beginning to experience the failure of their Chaos storage units, a fact the Emperor and the Magi'i (predecessors of the White Wizards) are trying to keep secret.

This book is devoted to the development and maturation of Lorn, and appears to be laying the foundation for later events that one may hope are more momentous. Lorn, his family, and Ryalth hold center stage, but the most interesting intrigue surrounds the Emperor and his closest counselors, who are not fleshed out in much detail--I had trouble keeping them straight.

Hoping the next book pulls things together more as it is a direct sequel to this one.