A review by mccorbin
The Viper by Kele Moon


This is the Kele Moon writing that I am talking about! Marcos was absolutely sexy, raw, and all around perfection. His late night encounter (no, not that kind – get your mind out of the gutter) with Katie starts off this wonderful ride between the two of them.

Marcos is trouble wrapped up in trouble. He’s a gang member, a thief, a murder, but he has an innate goodness about him. He’s protective, he’s sweet, and he can kick someone’s butt when needed. When Katie, the sweet high school teacher, tries to contact him after the wreck, Marco comes back to her sleepy town to get her to stop and then he realizes that it is going to be harder than he thought.

Both characters have this wonderful integrity about them, almost honest to a fault. It was almost like they spoke in pure honestly the entire time.

I loved how Marcos spoke in Spanish when he was particularly passionate about something and I loved that Katie had him translate it throughout the book. It made me feel as if it was a sweet connection between them.

Moon wrote a darker past than I was expecting with Marcos and his family. It was quite surprising to find out that this book wasn’t all about the romance; it was about both characters really digging down and fighting for their freedom.

I hope the next book in this series comes out soon and I am curious to know who it is about…I have my suspicions.