A review by edroux
The Damned Busters by Matthew Hughes


I got snagged by the cover blurb. The whole accidental-demon-summoning-turned-crimefighting-deal hit a lot of high points for me. The first seventy-odd pages were slow and difficult to get through. From a storytelling standpoint, I understand that it was important to establish Chesney as bland and boring, but I felt like it could have been done a bit quicker.

Once he actually got to the crimefighting part, things picked up. There was some action involved. Chesney was still bland, but it was as a counterpoint to the Actionary, rather than the entire focus of what I was reading. I read through this part and was prepared to give the book a solid 3 stars, but the ending kinda spoiled it for me. It was abrupt and awkward and left me unsure of whether I'd rather just leave the series at that or read the next book to see where things fit in.