A review by mxbookmoth
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two by Jack Thorne


I really wanted to see this play-But although it was being shown reasonably close to me, I couldn't get/Afford tickets/Travel in the end. Gutted.
So when I heard that the script was coming out in Book form, I couldn't wait to read it.
By the time I'd bought it, I'd heard a lot of differing opinions {All non spoilery thankfully!} about it. So I waited until I was in exactly the right mood to start reading it myself-To make sure I could lose myself in it the way that I wanted to.
When I finally did start reading it I realised that, as makes sense for a script, it has some stage/Character direction & little physical character description or environmental description. But, having a vivid imagination, I dealt with that pretty well!
I had a few ideas of where the story could go, but it blew all of my expectations out of the water. It was slow to get going, but once it did, it was very hard to put down.
It was lovely to be back with the characters-Good, bad & in between & the newbies, some of which were ace. The feels were intense most of the time & some epic events occurred!
I would love to watch this as a Film-I wonder if it'll ever happen...