A review by its_justine
Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw


She was a child of two opposing worlds. The embodiment of black and white, but rather than mixing to grey, the two halves divided her with their territories and battlegrounds, leaving her an extreme in every way possible.

Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw is a dark and tragic tale illustrating the journey of a memory thief attempting to right the wrongs she has wrought. At its core it analyzes the controversial debate of nature versus nurture, and ultimately details the somber realities associated with redemption and acceptance. Alongside Sarilla and Falon, readers are reminded of both the burden of memories, as well as the concept of how past experiences, regardless of how painful they may have been to bear, define who we are. A recurring theme of extremes–love and hate, good and evil, guilty and innocent–meticulously portrays the idea that nothing is ever as black and white as it appears. This story is a wonderful exploration of what it means to be human, and sobering, yet vastly enjoyable read.

The strongest aspect of this book is its poignancy, beautifully demonstrated through the emotional responses to the hardships Shaw's characters endure. Sarilla, a half-breed memoria, yearns to find her place in a world that rejects her. Her self-hatred and and shame are only eclipsed by her suffering of an almost Stockholm Syndrome-type condition. Her king, who also happens to be her uncle, punishes her in the most atrocious of ways, and Sarilla's spiral into the abyss is absolutely heart-wrenching to witness. Falon, so very determined to prove himself to his noble father, inevitably loses pieces of himself in the process. A drive to fill the gaps in his memory causes him to make rash decisions, leaving a trail of emotional destruction in his wake. Death, loathing, loss – all concepts each are far too familiar with.

Everybody lies.

Shaw presents us with an abundance delicately crafted elements in stunning detail, including the mysterious Deadwood Forest and its twilight blackvine plague, the rope bridge-laden vertical city of Arvendon, and the serpentine midnight tunnels of Oresa. She does a remarkable job of establishing various races, ignorant prejudices and fears, and the effects of curious magics, all adding a beautiful depth and richness to the tale she spins. While there are insights into the histories that shaped the current state of the world we're submerged in, I was craving more in order to gain a deeper understanding of the politics and religions that are often referred to.

Well-written with simple, flowing prose allows for more focus on character development, which genuinely shines. Dialogue feels organic, accurately portraying the emotions attempting to be conveyed, and careful introspection grants readers entry into the minds those telling this tale. However, my biggest issue with this story is its murky plot definition; the plot doesn't truly establish itself until relatively late in the book. The focal point seemed a bit skewed, and I wasn't sure which thread to be following and focus on regarding overall concept. It does come together in the second half of the book, so remain patient – the payoff is definitely worth it.

Last Memoria ties up nicely, leaving plenty of room for expansion, which I'm very much looking forward to in book two. Shaw heaves readers into a rich, enthralling world, proposing complex ideas that linger in the mind. If you're looking for a dark tale of deceit and intrigue, then this may be the one for you. The magical setting of Valrora houses many buried secrets waiting to be unearthed by those brave enough to venture beneath the dense canopy of the Darkwood. I recommend giving this one a try.

Note: A huge thank you to Rachel Emma Shaw for providing me with a complementary advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


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