A review by jazzrizz
Act of Command by Mandy M. Roth


This one was fun!! Straight laced, VERY British Captain Corbin Jones is BUSY. He doesn't have time for dating ... he's got his hands full with his team, and trying to keep them out of trouble. His mother nags him for a blind date, and he agrees.

He shows up for the date, but before he actually meets her ... duty calls, and he's called away out of country. Meanwhile, Mae ... who is an artist, and has been having visions of a mysterious man, who she sculpts. She's a bit scatterbrained, and doesn't have her phone with her, to get Corbin's message. Unbeknownst to Corbin, he actually saw the men who end up kidnapping her.

Corbin doesn't find out she's missing until he gets back into Country, and she's their next extraction case ... then he kind of looses his shit. The Team decide to send him in a "safe" direction, but Corbin ends up syncing up to Mae ... and she leads him in the right direction, but he looses communication with his team, and of course Corbin ends up being taken prisoner.

The Team scrambles to get to him, while Corbin is actually thrown in with Mae. There's an inside man from the Shadow Ops (yet another spinoff coming), who is working on getting them out. Then, his team shows up and does what the do best. Boomer & Stryker are hilarious!!

It was fun to see uptight and in control Corbin loose it when it comes to Mae. Great story ... I really hate the Corporation facilities though.