A review by mochalattie
Come Away with Me by Kristen Proby


I like to read the one star reviews on books to see if the things people didn't like can be something I can tolerate. The one review I remember was the person saying how many times "beautiful' was used in the book. 184 times.......184!!!! Every page something was beautiful:

-Mr. Beautiful blue eyes
-beautiful stranger
-she's beyond smart and beautiful
-beautiful photo-
-sit there and be beautiful
-you are quite beautiful

and it contiunes on and on and on and on and on.......

this book had potential to be good. But there was no character development so I didn't feel any connection to either one of them. I felt like this was a continuation of another story and I just didn't read it. And everything moved so fast:

the first page they met, the next page they were in love, then they break up, she's pregnant and the get married. the End.

She discloses she was raped very nonchalant...."hey i was raped, you want to go to chipotle?" that's not what happened but it's the gist of it.

It was all very blah. the reason I gave it one star was because of the epilogue and the vows. That was the best part of this whole book, other than that....meh