A review by bitchie
Gravitational Pull by Jill Prand


The setup- Dustin and Eric have been friends for years. Eric is gay, Dustin is bisexual. Eric works with Amy and set him up with Dustin, and they have been together for two years now. Amy knows Dustin is bi, and is fine with him visiting the occasional gay bar for a hookup, and has even taken part a few times. Eric is secretly in love with Dustin, Amy is hinting marriage, Dustin loves Amy but isn't In Love with Amy, and Dustin is finally realizing that what he REALLY wants is Eric, and they finally admit to each other that they have feelings for each other.

I don't know that I saw this as cheating, since Amy knew Dustin slept with guys once in a while, and seemed to be perfectly ok with it. This knowledge made her anger at finding him with Eric make no sense, unless it's because it was someone they knew and not just a random stranger. I thought this could have been longer, and dealt more with the fallout at the end. Tension at work, Amy or Eric finding another job, anything other than "but we'll be ok".

Oh, and I hate when dudes cry over stuff like "we're finally together". Save the tears for heartfail and tragedy, not finally fucking.