A review by sch91086
The Kraken's Tooth by Anthony Ryan


These are fun little novellas. It’s a pretty standard quest plot, man searching for redemption has to gather up seven demon-cursed blades of immense power. He picks up stragglers who become friends along the way.

But what sells these stories for me are the characters I guess. Guyime makes it pretty clear he’s no hero - he’s got a past and we get to learn a good deal of it in this book.

And the banter he has with Lakorath, the lie-detecting soul-hungry demon who possesses his blade is so much fun. Not to mention Seeker and her animal charming abilities.

I appreciate that the books are quick. I enjoy the world building but mostly I enjoy that it doesn’t overshadow the story.

I’m going to have to go seek out the next book I suppose. Thank you to Subterranean Press and NetGalley for the eARC.