A review by crookedtreehouse
Ultimate X-Men, Vol. 5: Ultimate War by Mark Millar


One of the better Avengers vs X-Men comic runs of all-time, but that's a pretty low bar.

Unlike most of their entanglements in the Marvel proper Universe, the inciting incident for the two teams doing battle is completely palusible. Inciting incident, stateent of purpose, action, and plot development are paced perfectly for a summer blockbuster film, which is what this series is supposed to be analagous to. Unfortunately, the characters are all far too quippy in a very early 21st century way so the dialogue feels dated, even without the very specific Bush-era references.

I'm nearly always a fan of [a:Chris Bachalo|12726|Chris Bachalo|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1473385167p2/12726.jpg]'s art, but I hate the way he draws Magneto in this volume. The helmet is shaped so that you'd swear his head was hourglass shaped. The coloring is also a little dark for my taste, but that seems to be an Ultimate-line edict from editorial.

This is a perfectly fun little book to pick up whether you're following The Ultimates, The Ultimate X-Men, both, or if you're just a fan of the first three X-movies. It doesn't fit the tone of the Marvel Cinematic Avengers.