A review by jailynnw_jamie
Have Tail, Will Travel by Nancey Cummings


Wow Kal might be the most annoying and rude “nice” female I’ve read in a long while. This book had potential, but fell into the trap of making the female character honestly unlikable. She’s got no backbone in some parts and is down right unpleasant in others. The worse part is she knows she’s impolite. She constantly thinks about her abrasive behavior but doesn’t do anything to change it. Also I found her to be so superficial in her interactions with others. She wins over Merit’s niece and nephew with chocolate… it just felt forced. There was no push back at all or even bonding. It was just sugar them up!

Now without Kal, Merit is almost likable, but as soon as she’s in the picture- he turns into a ridiculously possessive male. In one scene he is annoyed by all the other males giving her attention, then talks about one not fawning over her and how that’s not right either. Dude you can’t have it both ways! When the male admits he’s surprised Merit ended up with Kal (and frankly so am I because Lord she’s horrible) Merit asks him why he is shocked. The answer is “she seems fancy and not really your type”. This leads ridiculous male to NEARLY STRANGLE THE OTHER MALE! It’s such an over reaction that I nearly lost my eyes as they rolled.

Kal, at this point, finds this over aggressive attitude “really hot”. Which she tells Merit. That’s when I knew this girl was not gonna to be worth the price of the book. I really did have high hopes and I think the writer has a great voice- but these characters… no. I’m going to try the next book in the series because I bought it as an anthology (books 1-3) so maybe this one was just a dud because of Kal and Merit not really working. The funny thing is- I liked the other characters, just not the main ones…