A review by libralita
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare


This was an amazing book, even better than the first one. It had so many twists and turns, I think it might my favorite Cassandra Clare book so far.

Probably my favorite things about this book is that, since I went to London I’ve been to most of the places they’re talking about and have seen them in modern times. So it makes me so happy.

“‘If you’re going to chop off anyone’s foot, chop off Benedict’s,’” –page 24, Will to Tessa.

Yes, please chop off stupid Benedict’s foot! It makes me really mad because I’ve been bitching and moaning about how Clary and Tessa both haven’t been trained. Which is kind of annoying because whenever a battle comes, they’re kind of useless. Granted I haven’t read the last two TMI books so I can’t judge but it would be nice if Clary got training in like book 1 or 2 instead of book 5 or 6.

“Gideon took the blade. ‘Esta es la idea más estúpida que nuestro padre ha teindo,’ he said. ‘Nunca.’” –page 57

Had those three years of Spanish actually came in handy! Glad it wasn’t a total waste of time.

“‘Trains are great dirty smoky things,’ said Will. ‘You won’t like it.’
Tessa was unmoved. ‘I won’t know if I like it until I try it, will I?’
‘I’ve never swum naked in the Thames, but I know I wouldn’t like it.’
‘But think how entertain for sightseers,’” –page 75

Burn. Best exchange between Will and Tessa.

Oh dear, I’m starting to feel sympathy for the Lightwood brothers. Also, Bridget is fucking weird. I’m sure Tessa and Sophie not telling Charlotte about that is going bite them in the butt.

I have to say I prefer Will’s poem about parsnips than I do the one he wrote in the book he gave Tessa.

That scene with the downworlder spoils was really fucked up, like it was just so horrible.

I can’t believe that Will has a sister and his whole backstory was pretty interesting.

“‘I want you to send me through. To the demon realms.’” –Will, page 139

Are you fucking nuts? Also, Will don’t you know that the more angst-y and douche-y you act the more girls will fall in love with you.

“‘My little clockwork prince…’” –John Shade, page 156

Role credits.

I can’t believe Jessamine would be so stupid as to marry Nate! I mean, for the love of god woman, what the fuck is wrong with you? You’re so horrible for spying on the Shadowhunters and attempting to get Tessa captured. You are horrible. Although it give us this incredible scene:

“Sophie swallowed visibly. ‘I—she found me with it in my hand, miss. I tried to hide it, but she’d already seen it. She had such a menacing look on her face when she came reaching for it, I couldn’t help myself. All the training sessions I’ve done with Master Gideon, they just took over and, well—’
‘Well, what? Sophie—’
‘I hit her on the head with a mirror,’ Sophie said hopelessly. ‘One of those silver-backed ones, so it was quite heavy. She went down just like a stone, miss. So I…I tied her to the bed and I came looking for you.’”—page 254

I was laughing my ass off during this entire scene, and the one where Will is just like so surprised.

But, I’m so conflicted on Jessamine because that scene with Jem, Tessa and her was really sad. It’s like trying to completely hate Azula at the end of A:TLA, you know she’s done some horrible things but she’s so sad and pathetic and messed up that you just can’t bring yourself to truly hate her.

Oh, and I fucking knew that his curse was bullshit. Of course it was, son of a bitch. It makes sense I mean, it’s a stupid curse, if it was true then his parents would have been dead. Just because a kid runs away doesn’t mean their family doesn’t live them any less.

I’m feeling so bad for Will, I can’t believe this but I do. However, I still ship Jessa. I love Jem and he deserves love for the little time he has.

But holy shit, I kind of knew that Will’s sister was gonna eventually come. I mean I wondered if she ever would consider it. Certainly if Ella had live she probably would have left to become a Shadowhunter. So this is very interesting.