A review by julietem08
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


2nd Read: so yea i read this again and 5 fricken stars. the amount of foreshadowing whether it was intentional or not is insane. my love for Dorian has only grown a million times bigger. like pleaseeeeeee just be a real human being and all of my problems will be solved. i also think it was so interesting to look back and see the amount of character development Celaena goes through that is pretty noticed and gradual until a certain point. i really wish that the theme of music and books was talked about more later in the series but some other things made up for it so it's okay. i could read about these characters forever and ever and ever, plus it was nice to see the og trio again and how it all started. i will forever be in an endless spiral of wanting to read about my favorite characters ever... i will never get over it

“I like music," she said slowly, "because when I hear it, I . . . I lose myself within myself, if that makes any sense. I become empty and full all at once, and I can feel the whole earth roiling around me. When I play. I'm not . . . for once, I'm not destroying, I'm creating.”

Dorian and Celaena I want you to be my parents. I will be handing in the nonexistent adoption papers for you to sign, and they will be there shortly. 100% recommend this book. Something that my friend pointed out to me that I agree with is how SJM always finds a way to incorporate some sort of art into her main characters. Also, Dorian read books... do I need to say more??