A review by msjoanna
Charlie Bone and the Hidden King by Jenny Nimmo


My son and I have been tearing through this series. For the first time, we listened to part of this one as an audiobook during a long drive we took together. The narrator did a great job bringing the story to life. That said, the narrator has a bit of a British accent, which I think my son found slightly hard to understand at times.

This book is my favorite of the series so far. The adults here continue to be completely useless and generally clueless, but its forgivable given the target audience of kids around age 10. One part of the plot here involves the disappearance of all of the animals from the city. The author could have done much more with the description of what this would mean, but it was only addressed in passing (e.g., someone saying that it sure is quiet without the birds).

The new characters introduced in this book and the additional endowments made sense in the context of the story and moved the plot forward rather than feeling like random ideas the author had.

We will definitely read the rest of this series. We've already checked Book 6 out of the library.