A review by silver_valkyrie_reads
Cravings: Recipes for All the Food You Want to Eat: A Cookbook by Adeena Sussman, Chrissy Teigen

funny informative relaxing


3.5 star, I guess? 

I was interested in this cookbook because I tried her Jok Moo (Thai Pork and Rice Porridge) recipe that had been shared on a blog, and (with my own modifications) now make it every week or so to keep in the fridge for a quick breakfast. 

I thought, if that one recipe is so good, how many other amazing recipes are in this book??? 

And I'm sure that objectively there are a ton of amazing recipes, but nearly everything else in this book is either made from ingredients I don't usually have on hand (not anything fancy, just that I don't usually buy cuts of meat any more expensive than pork shoulder and ground beef) or is a recipe I already have my version of perfected (mac and cheese, for example). 

I did make her Tuna Melt sandwich just to try something simple and see how it was, and the results were... confusing. It tasted great, no complaints there. But I'm a HUGE mayo fan, and the amount of mayo was the maximum I could possibly still enjoy before it just got weird. And the amount of tuna I was supposed to fit on the bread... maybe it's because I was using homemade bread that was a bit smaller, but I didn't even try to use all the filling and it was still falling out the sides as I cooked it. (I appreciate the attitude toward maximum filling, it's just more the results I expect from my own impromptu enthusiasm than from a tested recipe.)

Overall, I did really enjoy the lighthearted tone of of the book and funny explanations of recipes. Though I also found it disturbing to read her off hand comments about times she was essentially starving herself in preparation for a modeling gig. 

So yeah.. TLDR, I appreciate the enthusiasm and humor, and the recipes seem good on flavor, but most of them are not useful for me. 

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