A review by banalgirl
The Tower Must Fall by S.E. Bennett


I confess that when I started this book I had high expectations. It was very hard for me to get into this story. I do not know if it was me who was not in the mood or the story that was not engaging me. Maybe it was both.
I believe that I only got interested in the book when I was on half of it.

However, I found the premise very interesting and original. I also liked the reference to fairy-tales, I think it made the book richer and more interesting.
I should also mention the romance that, even though is not the main subject of the book, was well developed and worked. The author managed to make me ship a couple that I though was strange together and I did not shipped at first. And that, my dears, is difficult.

My rating for this book is 4,1 out of 5.