A review by thehodgenator
Call Me Zelda by Erika Robuck


This novel is an interesting perspective on Zelda and her marriage to F. Scott Fitzgerald.

I really enjoyed Robuck's attention to detail. The novel was a nice balance between fact and fiction, and the characterization of Zelda was how I pictured her. It does not mean she is portrayed in an accurate light, but for someone who suffered from mental illness, Robuck seems to capture the feel of panic within F. Scott, the sadness within their daughter Scottie, and the inner turmoil of Zelda.

Making the choice to use a fictitious character as our narrator and caretaker of Zelda was an interesting decision. At first I was disappointed that the entire novel did not focus on Zelda, but once I finished and talked about the book to my husband, I realized that the novel does an excellent job of showing the destructive nature of the Fitzgeralds as well as the effect on others.

I enjoyed the literary allusions to 'Gatsby' and felt that several times the author was winking at us with allusions to literary writers of the time, Hemingway just being one example.

Is this novel worth your time? I would say only if you are already interested/fascinated by the Fitzgeralds. If not, reading this novel could feel like a chore. On the other hand, it might help develop intrigue in those who never really thought of the relationship between the Fitzgeralds and spark a want to learn more.