A review by anavidreader_18
Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood

Did not finish book. Stopped at 80%.
I want to start of with saying I don't think there's anything objectively wrong with this book. 

It had a right pacing, I understood Elsie and really felt for her at times, definitely loved her relationship with Jack and wanted to see how things worked out. But I was about 100 pages away from finishing and just couldn't do it. 

I didn't feel any pull to keep reading. There weren't many stakes, I didn't feel a whole lot of anxiety or tension. I felt like things kinda of resolved themselves quickly (which I glad about so that Elsie and Jack could form a great relationship with no prolonged miscommunication) but there wasn't much else that made me want to keep going. 

The second act low point and the drama that would come with it didn't feel like it was coming. Maybe it came soon after I stopped reading, who knows? But I couldn't feel the anxiety building up knowing that it was just right around the corner.