A review by trayceebee
Of Mess and Moxie: Wrangling Delight Out of This Wild and Glorious Life by Jen Hatmaker


I saw Jen Hatmaker at the Farewell tour of Women of Faith. I had never heard of her before, but she thrilled me to my soul. I recently read some comments she'd made that got a bit of news.... I don't even remember completely what the comments were. I just remember seeing, "Oh, she's got a new book coming out, I'll watch for that." Next thing I know, it's available for me to listen to on Hoopla Digital. Yay!!!
I. LOVE. This woman! I want to be one of her BFF's out on her porch, drinking wine and laughing and crying and watching our kids run around and play. Jen's snarky-yet-sweet sense of humor sings to me. I found myself laughing out loud so many times, and then I'd be in tears minutes later, commiserating with her about one of life's many lessons. How refreshing it is to hear someone like Jen telling me I'm not doing this Mom/Wife/Christian thing wrong! I will come back to this book again and again!