A review by liralen
Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons


Have I mentioned that I really hate zombies? I really, really hate zombies—for pretty much exactly the same reasons that June loves them:

But more than that, I like that zombies are clean. Not physically, because ew. But, like...emotionally.

only want to eat you. They don't want to hurt you, or torture you. Pain is just a by-product of how they want your meat. They're not sadistic. They're just hungry.

Zombies are basically human sharks.

If the sharks were also dead. And if a shark bit you and you then were destined to become a shark.

Okay, so not really like sharks.

Except this is precisely why I'm (irrationally) afraid of zombies and (at least 1% less irrationally) afraid of sharks: they can't be reasoned with. They're dead behind the eyes, and you're dead if they bite you and NO THANK YOU NO THANK YOU.

I would totally swim with sharks, though, given the opportunity. But when the zombie apocalypse happens, I want to be real dead, real fast. Which, on that note...

And she's one of the last ones to die. Which is pretty good if you're trapped in the zombie apocalypse. It's all you can hope for, really. (61)

No. Just no. Surviving until the end of the zombie apocalypse sounds like a special kind of hell. Everyone you know dying while you're terrified for your life and limbs 24/7? Why is that somehow better than dying in the first five minutes? June. My dear. We cannot be friends.

Three and a half stars, with the extra half star entirely due to Janet, who is a delight. (She might have earned the book a rounded-up fourth star, except
Spoilerher sacrifice doesn't even work, which means she dies for nothing, which is such a waste of a badass character