A review by wealhtheow
Devil on My Back by Monica Hughes


In the far future, after the earth's petroleum ran out and the environment was toxic, humanity retreated into cities enclosed in plastic domes. Generations later, young Tomi is nervous. He's about to get another information pack slotted into the plug in his spine. If his body can handle it, he's progressed another level up the ladder in his society. But if his nervous system can't handle it, he'll become a menial laborer at best--at worst, death or brain damage awaits him. But to Tomi's joy, he takes in another pack worth of pre-programmed knowledge without a hitch. But this idyll can't last forever--the inequalities within the highly regimented, computerized and "fair" society are about to blow apart every thing he ever knew.

Told in a no-frills, no-nonsense style, this is a gripping adventure of the uncomfortable necessity of examining--and if possible, abolishing--one's privilege.