A review by quercus707
Daughters of the North by Sarah Hall


A worthy entry into the feminist dystopian canon. What would an all-female separatist/survivalist group look like? How would they live? How would they interact and who would their leaders be? How would they react to aggression from outside? What would make them become militant? How would that training, that experience, change them? What is worth fighting for? What is worth dying for?

"She did not make monsters of us. She simply gave us the power to remake ourselves into those inviolable creatures the God of Equality had intended us to be. We knew she was deconstructing the old disabled versions of our sex, and that her ruthlessness was adopted because those constructs were built to endure. She broke down the walls that had kept us contained. There was a fresh red field on the other side, and in its rich soil were growing all the flowers of war that history had never let us gather. It was beautiful to walk in."