A review by jill_rey
Abjectification: Stories & Truths by C. Kubasta


“Abjectification” is a not quite a love story to the female form but more of a mind-boggling interpretation of the truths as the title suggests. This read will lash you from story to story as you will never guess what Kubasta has up her sleeve for you next.

Split into two distinct sections, Primary Embodiments and The Monstrous-Feminine, this entire read derives its stories from female-centered constructs.  With the focus of “Abjectification” firmly on capturing the female, Kubasta nails her intentions through the crafting of a collection of thought-provoking short stories highlighting a wide plethora of diverse stories, female characters, trials and tribulations.  Readers will be enlightened, scared and inspired as they take on each story.  This well thought out compilation of females, their bodies, decisions and relationships will cause readers to think, reflect and understand deeper at the conclusion of each story/truth revealed.  Combining creepy with intriguing and sensual there isn’t a single genre untouched within the pages of the stories housed within.  

Throughout the 2020 worldwide quarantine there has been an abundance of articles surrounding the phenomena of “reading slumps.”  These slumps currently being experienced are hypothesized as being caused by the excess free time experienced amidst the stress, pressures and life altering pandemic swirling about.  In every article, the consensus in battling and remedying these “slumps” is to frequently switch genres and increase your intake of short stories.  “Abjectifications” provided the perfect vessel to accomplish both while, proving to be a wholly intoxicating experience while doing so.  From stories begging readers to re-read them such as “The Luck and Misfortune of Others” as well as “Shedding” to the familial, heart breaking drama of “Dogged Problems” and the good old fashioned crisis of female relationships and nostalgia in “Camp Tall Pines.”  Author, C. Kubasta gives readers a pleasant mix of stories for all emotions, mindsets and scenery.  

This collection shows readers the beauty and complexity of short stories as each new tale successfully captures one’s attention time and time again.  Female readers abound will laugh, cower, maybe even shed a tear, and nod along to each of the unique stories portrayed within.