A review by thisisjusttheprologue_
In The Clearing by J.P. Pomare


“You are going out into the world. You will wear a mask for the rest of your life to hide who you really are. No one will love or accept you like me, because they hate us, they dont want us to succeed. You will look and act like them but, in truth, you will never walk away from us. Do you understand?”

I read this book because it was highly recommended by @thejerseyreader! This was a solid read. The plot was there and kept me turning the page. I find cults a fascinating topic and this book really dove into experiences of people who did live in or currently still are members of, a cult. Some things were shocking and very hard to read, but overall this book was enjoyable. My reason for not giving it a full 5 stars is that I was confused at times about who was who and where the story was going. It all came together in the end, but there definitely were parts when I had to go back and see whose POV the chapter was from.

“Right and wrong are not fixed points on a compass. Sometimes we do things just because they are necessary.”