A review by qaised
Sons of Destiny by Darren Shan, Takahiro Arai

Re-read this after years (I think I'd read the whole manga run 4 or 5 times) and I overestimated my memory of what happens lol. There was a lot I didn't understand/remember (which is also why there's no rating).

That said, I remember how taken I was with this series when I was 13-14, and the story is just as gripping as it was then. It's all very well thought-through and though I don't love the ending I think it's true to the essence of the series. I'd actually forgotten the manga was based on novels, so I think next time I have a craving for this story I'll pick those up.

Amazing and tightly written manga though - if looking at giant manga runs (coughNarutocoughBleachcough) gives you the hives, this is where it's at.