A review by bookbae96
Rules of Seduction by Joya Ryan


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Ava Webber is on a mission to free herself completely from the submission that she suffered at the hands of her ex. She knows exactly what she doesn't want, and that's to lose herself in anyone, ever again. Nolan Hart is that man. The one that makes your breath catch, that makes you all swoony, and starts your panties melting. It's his business to make sure that everyone that comes into Serve, an exclusive club that caters to a very select clientele, gets exactly what they want. When Ava applies for membership, Nolan is bound and determined that she be taken care of completely. The best way to make sure of that is for him to be the one to do it.

Reading a book from the Entangled Brazen line is like getting a treat. They're short and sexy reads, always chock-full of hot men, strong women, and sparks galore. Rules of Seduction by Joya Ryan is the 7th in the Serve series, and, let me tell you, it more than fills the bill. Nolan and Ava are like paper and match; the chemistry that they share is combustible, and their scenes at Serve are the 'pass me a fan and start the cold shower' kind of hot. Ava is intent on leaving her past behind, and has come to Serve to have the kind of anonymous encounter that she believes will finally set her free. As she and Nolan spend more time together, their plan to keep the personal and professional parts of their relationship separate are quickly derailed as the two become more deeply involved.

I really enjoyed this book; Joya Ryan continues to deliver characters and storylines that quickly draw readers in, and make them feel invested in the outcome. Rules of Seduction gets 4 'sexy, steamy, can't wait for the next one' stars. Grab it, grab a fan, and enjoy.

*** ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review ***