A review by sonialusiveira
The Bad Guy by Celia Aaron


This is between 2,5 - 3 stars read for me. Sebastian Lindstorm is a psychopath that can't feel any emotions. However when he first laid eyes on Camille, one of his employee's girlfriend, he feels 'feelings' for the first time and that makes him turn obsessive. He then stalks her and then kidnaps her. Like other typical dark and kidnap romance, they fight for a while and then fall in love. As I listen to it on audiobook, it was very enjoyable as the narrators are very good. What I don't like about the story is how they make Link the villain. I would have liked it more if the author didn't change Link into the other villain that was waiting with a mask on, and make Sebastian seem like a good guy compared to him. All in all, another fun read to pass the time.