A review by bansh3equeen
Fire Falling by Elise Kova


4.5 Stars rounded up.

The second in the air awakens series sees the continuation of Vhalla and Alrick story’s and their romance.

I enjoyed this story a great deal and I loved to see the deepening of Vhalla and Alrick’s feelings for each other. I appreciate how slow this romance is and how the two characters don’t rush into anything physical.

I also really liked the way the relationship between the two is shown. Vhalla appreciates openness and honesty and whenever Alrick is open and honest with her (though he is always fearful and trepidatious) she responds with kindness and understanding. This, to me, is the way good relationships work. You see them building the trust together and starting to believe in each other more and more.

On the second read I unfortunately found the relationship between Vhalla and Larel very one sided. It seemed Larel was always there for Vhalla helping her through her difficulties, but never did I see Vhalla there for her, or even asking about her or how she was. We got some of Larel’s backstory in this book which I really appreciated, but I would have liked to see more from her other then just ‘there for Vhalla’.

While this book does have the addition of another potential love interest, I have no issues with it as it is obvious from reading that Vhalla is only ever trying to deny her feelings for Alrick and try and make herself do what she feels she should. This doesnt feel like the usual love triangle where you dont know who the character will chose. This feels more like a woman trying to make the best of the circumstances she is in.

Vhalla continues to be a strong lead and while she does break down and cry, she never truly succumbs to the horrific events she has to endure. She continues to be strong and while she is obviously miserable and dealing with a lot of emotions in most of the book, I found her even more relatable because she wasn’t perfect. She wasn’t able to overcome traumatic events with a wave of her hand. I thought the display of what amounts to PTSD to be well done and believable. It shows the importance of talking about your problems and dealing with the emotions head on. I respect Vhalla more for finally confronting her fears and her past horrors.

I can’t wait to pick up the next book and continue with the series.