A review by amybraunauthor
A Psalm of Storms and Silence by Roseanne A. Brown


Powerful, thrilling, and incredibly rich, this is a story that continued and finished sweeping me away. It's a harrowing and devastating story about two young people caught between right and wrong, rebuilding their lives and each other as best they can in terrible circumstances.

Karina is a vibrant, powerful young woman who continues to fight and struggle, despite the world seeming to be against her. She learns much about herself and her past, which leads her to make some deep sacrifices. I loved watching her battle, never giving up, refusing to fit into the molds other people wanted her to fit into. While her story is quite powerful, I would argue that Malik has the most growth. And that is because his story is harrowing.

He is so lost and torn between right and wrong, so broken by abuse and desperate for love, that his emotions resonate stronger. He has some scenes that will stick with me for a long time, especially near the end, where Brown uses her skill with prose to weave in complex emotions for this heartbroken character.

Even the side characters are complicated. Everyone from Hanane to my new favourite, Caracal, had scenes that made them visceral and engaging. It was easy to feel sympathy for them, even some of the villains.

While it took me a little time to get back into the world (it had been a while and this is a densely built fantasy), once I was immersed, I didn't want to leave. The settings and creatures are very well described, and the magic system leaves open many possibilities. The themes in this book are very powerful and leave the reader with a lot to think about. Prepare for a book hangover!

Of all the endings, this one is perfect. It matches the gorgeous prose and makes the reader wish for more. I highly recommend this series for lovers of diverse and complicated fantasy. It's packed with morally grey characters, magic, and difficult choices. Seek it out as soon as you can, because you will not forget it.