A review by zzzrevel
The Crime Writer by Jill Dawson


You really MUST be aware of the life of Patricia
Highsmith BEFORE reading this novel. I wasn't.
Thus this review is only meant for those
type of people.

I did at least read over some snippets
of her bio as I got about 50 pages or so into
this novel and this helped. (There is also
an acknowledgment section at the end
that draws some parallels between
Highsmith's life and Dawson's book.)

Anyway, WITH background knowledge, the
story is somewhat interesting, probing into the
mind of a not-all-there author's life.
Again, without the background, you don't
understand some of the references she

Then ultimately this book is just ok. It's
sort of a "psychological thriller" which is
so in vogue right now, but I thought it
hit or miss as I tried to keep up with
the story which is blurred with flashbacks.