A review by debbie_r
Broken Scars by J.M. Walker


I received a free ARC copy in exchange for my honest review. These are my opinions.

Wow! I feel totally wrung out after that book. This story is like riding a rollercoaster. It has highs and lows in that your emotions will soar and your heart will be crushed. This story is also full of surprises. I know I am gushing but I cannot recommend this story enough. Be Forewarned - it is raw, violent, intense and gritty. Take the trigger warnings seriously. It is not for the faint of heart. If you are strong enough to ride through with the characters, you will get to the heartwarming, happily ever after ending.

Lucas and Lily are broken people. His childhood was horrendous to the point he barely survived. She lost her parents in a fire that almost consumed her as well. Both turned to substance abuse to cope. They somehow found their strength and got help. Then they met each other. Nothing was the same for either after that. Nothing was easy but the end was worth every minute to get there.

This is the first book I have read by J.M. Walker. I can honestly say I laughed, held my breath and cried throughout Lucas' and Lily's story. The characters were so well developed I felt like I was there with them. The story moved slow enough that we become entrenched in their stories but it holds your interest. I will be actively seeking out other books by this author.