A review by emmascr
A Furious Muse by A.J. Nuest


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Harper Impulse for accepting my request via Netgalley. I had previously read the Golden Key Chronicles and when I saw this on Netgalley I just had to request it.

This book picks up many years after the end of the Golden Key Chronicles. The book focuses on Faedrah Austiere, the daughter of Rowena and Caedmon. Faedrah has spent her life feeling like she doesn't deserve to be the daughter of such heroes. She feels inferior and that nothing she will do will live up to her parent's story. This leads to her jumping through the mirror just as her parents did before her. I thought that she was extremely hard on herself and that she deserved every bit of her place in the kingdom.

Rhys McEleod is one hot, tortured artist. He has a bad boy vibe from the moment you meet him. His whole life he's been tortured by Faedrah's face, painting her for as long as he could remember he was shocked when he finally met her.

I adored this story. It was exciting to see feel the chemistry sizzling between Faedrah and Rhys before everything exploded. It was really great to see Rowena and Caedmon, and Oliver and Jon again. I enjoyed seeing how their lives panned out.

This book is very well written and the transfer between the past and the present was perfect. I am really looking forward to the rest of the series.