A review by maureensbooks89
Matchbox Girls by Chrysoula Tzavelas


In ‘Matchbox Girls’ we meet Marley Claviger, a normal girl with anxiety. Marley is trying to live her life, dealing with her anxiety and working so she can pay for the stuff she needs in life. One morning Marley is called by the two little girls of her friend. The two girls are in trouble and seem to be all alone. Marley comes to their rescue but soon learns there is a lot happening that she doesn’t know about. The girls seem to have some strange ‘gifts’, and there are people following them, and their intentions don’t seem to be good.
Before Marley knows it, she is the middle of an ancient fight between the Nephilim, Angels and Fallen. And the things she always tried to deny about herself, seem to have a deeper meaning.

Like I said before, I didn’t really know what to expect about this book. But when I started reading I just didn’t want to stop anymore. I was fascinated by the writing and I really wanted to know what would happen next. Especially in the beginning there is a lot of mystery in this book. A lot of stuff is happening and you have no idea why or what is really going on. In some books, this would have made me want to stop reading, but in this book Chrysoula Tzavelas was able to make me want to keep on reading.

The fantasy part in this book was very well thought of. There were Nephilim, Angels and Fallen, but also Fae and Demons. And all your stereotypical ideas of these paranormal ‘beings’ won’t fit inside this story. A very impressive thing, if you ask me.
But the best thing about this book are the characters. I really loved the main character Marley. Not only because she was the main character, but especially because she wasn’t perfect. Her anxiety and how she lived with it were really interesting to read. And it felt real. She was a strong character and had her flaws, and I really liked that.
The other characters I really liked were the two little girls, Lissa and Kari. They just had something about them, I liked reading about.

This was a very fun read and I really enjoyed it. More than I thought I would. Chrysoula Tzavelas really has a way of writing interesting, fun and different stories. I would really recommend this book if you’re a fan of fantasy and YA.