A review by isalaur
Finally by Annabella Michaels


Loved this newest entry! Can’t wait for the next one!

I’m a fan of the second chance romance trope but usually not the miscommunication/lack of communication trope. When both parties think the other one ended things because of some outside force it always irritates me that no one mans up to say WTF? In this case the author sets the stage for it (kind of) and it is a bit more understandable so it worked for me.

Loved both Christopher and Greg and enjoyed their journey back to each other. Kept waiting for the moment that was going to light one of their tempers to cause them to realize there had been a problem twenty years earlier and it was well done when it happened.

The threat storyline was pretty weak, almost like it was an afterthought and the author realized she needed to come up with a villain. Even with that it was pretty easy to figure out who the bad guy was long before the reveal. That part of the storyline just didn’t work for me at all but everything else was well done.