A review by delaneyymarie
The Making of Us by Lisa Jewell


I loved this book! It is so special and so uniquely and eloquently conveys sibling relationships/bonds. I found something in each character that was relatable. Whether it was a situation that they were in, personality trait, thought process, etc. I also really like when authors write from multiple character perspectives, and imo Lisa Jewell always does this right. There were a lot of characters and all of their corresponding situations to keep straight, but once I made a little notecard, all was well....

Also I haven't kept track of quotes in a while so that says something about my enjoyment of this novel.

"Did she actually look like a mother? It seemed unlikely. She was so far from the reality of motherhood-the concept sat on the horizon, strange and unattainable- that the idea that someone could look at her and imagine for a moment she was that type of person made her feel disturbed and oddly flattered all at the same time." Lydia p25
Now seeing this quote after finishing the book-the character development. At the time of reading this just felt relatable lol

"They rubbed their fingers together like good luck charms." Maggie p167
A classic storyline of finding out mutual attraction just as one person is about to die.

"For a while she couldn't quite think who it was she was pretending to be, and then, with a start, she remembered: she was pretending to be herself." p354 Robyn, a disassociating queen. Relatable.

"She smiled with satisfaction at her closing words and Lydia felt her own heart fill with pride, seeing someone so young work it all out for themselves." p369
I found myself relating to Lydia the most-oldest daughter things.

"Like waiting for a bus, the more time you invest in awaiting the outcome the harder it is to walk away." p376 Daniel
On death in the book but I just thought this was funny.