A review by _lia_reads_
Into Captivity They Will Go by Noah Milligan


I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This captivating book follows Caleb Gunter, a young boy whose mother has convinced her that he is the Second Coming of Christ. You follow Caleb and his mother as their faith takes more and more extreme turns, and explore the fallout that results, culminating in their joining an evangelical church/cult far from home.

What worked for me: I enjoyed the exploration of evangelical Christianity and its perception by the surrounding community. It was difficult to watch Caleb’s loyalty to his mother even as their world collapsed around them. I appreciated the complexities that Milligan brought into the story, particularly with Caleb’s own reactions to different events and the faith that he has been brought up in. Similarly, I enjoyed the delicate way in which he tried to present both sides of Caleb’s mother’s descent into radical religion.

What didn’t work as well: The last 3rd of the book was jarring. I appreciate what Milligan was trying to do with it, but it did not work for me. Instead, I wish we had spent more time with the religious community instead and perhaps the last portion translated into a shorter epilogue. I also struggled with the lengthy sermons and biblical passages. I felt as though they slowed the story down.

However, Milligan’s writing is incredible and the story gripping. It will raise a lot of questions for readers, regardless of their faith.