A review by the_horror_maven
The Making of Gabriel Davenport by Beverley Lee


The Making of Gabriel Davenport is a brilliant dark novel. I couldn't find anything at all to critique with this novel, and that is extremely rare for me. It is the perfect mix of horror and fantasy, while also incorporating the human experience and the pains that bind us all together. I read this book overnight, and I would gladly do it over and over again.

First of all, Beverley Lee's writing is very clean. The editing was flawless, and I adored how fast the pace of the novel was. This is a perfect novel for those who enjoy horror/darker novels, as well as those who aren't experienced in the genre at all. It is one of those rare novels that is dark, but not crass or grotesque - and these types of novels are the best kind.

Lee is also a master at evolving her characters through the novel, as well as making the reader feel isolated with no one else to turn to but the characters themselves. Her writing allows the reader to become completely isolated inside of the story, and I now feel as though her characters are my own personal friends. I fought for them throughout the novel, and still think about them when they cross my mind. The Making of Gabriel Davenport is the best novel I have read in a really long time, and I am so honored to have read it at all. I cannot talk about this novel enough, and recommend it to anyone in the upper young adult - adult age range. It doesn't matter what genres you like to read, this book is perfect for anyone. And I guarantee that it will turn you to darker novels more than any other introductory novel. Lee is clearly passionate about her novel and her characters, and those passions shine beautifully through her words.