A review by plantzone23
Starglass by Phoebe North


I have very mixed feelings about this book. There were a lot aspects that I very much disliked but there were things (1) that I did like. This review would probably be best in a pros and cons format, so without further ado...here are my comments.

-I liked the science fiction thing it had going. It reminded me a bit of Beth Revis's [b:Across the Universe|8235178|Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)|Beth Revis|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1388247590s/8235178.jpg|13082532]. At first it seemed pretty similar, but as I read on, I realized how different it really as. But it was a good different. It was unique. The whole world was just interesting and fun to read about.

OH jeez, so many problems.

-First off, I HATED Terra. She was a selfish, whiny, poor decision making, petulant child. I swear, I wanted to strangle her. She was an awful main character.

- I did really like Mara. She was independent and smart. I liked her a lot.

-You know, now that I think about it, besides Mara, I hated all of the characters. They were truly all awful. I can't think of one thing I liked about any of them.

-The plot would have been great, had it not been for the characters. Terra just had to make the book about all her failed love lives or her awful life. She just ruined the book. She is why I hated this book. She is the main reason.

Yep. This review is over. I really can't find much else to say. It was not a good book. I don't recommend you read it.