A review by bookmadjo
That Night in Paris by Sandy Barker


As a staunch Francophile, I am always immediately tempted by books set at least partially in France, and this book really did not disappoint. Admittedly the time spent in France was limited but as a whistle-stop coach tour, that was what I expected.

The accommodation left a lot to be desired, and although I would never go on another coach trip in my life, the tourist side of the story appealed even though the travel did not. To be fair, I went on a coach trip when I was 19 to Italy, which left me with a broken nose (fell down a flight of stairs on the ferry on the way back, totally sober too!), and badly blistered shoulders (from swimming in an Italian lake), and I have to say it put me off coach trips for life. Having said all that, as an armchair reader stuck at home at the moment, I loved the travel, and found the descriptions so vivid that I could picture every beautiful location.

When Cat literally bumps into her old friend Jean-Luc in Paris it seemed like such a serendipitous moment. and wow, what a sexy Frenchman! Their romance was sheer perfection, and a joy to read. However, I do think this book was more about friendships and the guidance friends can give. Cat relied on her new travel friends to point her in the right direction, and I loved that each of her new friends brought a new and very different dimension to their friendship.

I was new to Sandy Barker’s books, having found her on Twitter first, but she really did not disappoint with this book which is book two in the series, but works perfectly as a standalone. I will definitely be seeking out book one, and waiting impatiently for book three!

I also really enjoyed the video chats Cat had with her sister who had previously been a guide on the coach tour. It really gave a useful insight into the highs and lows of coach tours, not that it changed my mind about them!