A review by pallavi_sharma87
What Angels Fear by C.S. Harris


3.5 star
I had a very high expectation on this one and it did disappoint me a bit.

Set with a backdrop of unrest in King George III's England, in 1811, Sebastian St. Cyr is arrested for the horrible murder of a beautiful young woman on the altar steps of an ancient church in Westminster Abbey. Even though the Police chief has his own doubts, all the clues' points towards Sebastian. To cap it all, Sebastian runs from Police. He knows he is innocent and to clear his name, he takes up his own investigation. He has his friends, his sleuthing skills and a rare genetic condition to show him the way towards the killer.

A lot of running! A lot of legwork. I bet; Sherlock Holmes would have looked down upon Sebastian for not using his grey cells. Sebastian was running back and forth between a set of people which I found a bit taxing! A good book, maybe I will pick up the next one to decide on to read the series or not.
Happy Reading!!