A review by bookjunquettes
Crane by Stacey Rourke

Evening, my delicious crumpets!!

How are my darlings this fine December eve??

As promised, I am delving back into the world of book reviews and started with one that holds a special place in my heart: Crane by Stacey Rourke.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow has always held a very special in my heart, for obvious reasons. And trust me, Stacey does not disappoint!

How I've gone so many years without reading this beauty, is beyond me!

Without giving too much away, Stacey manages to bring varying aspects and characters of the Hollow into the story, in a wonderful mismatch of old and new lore.
From the first chapter to the epilogue, this story was a wild ride! Finished in barely a day, so you know the story was amazing!

Please! Go forth! Find this wonderful book, the first in the Legends Saga, and devour it, much as I did!

Until next time, my darlings!

~ Tara xx