A review by elliania
Lover Unveiled by J.R. Ward


I think it's been the first time in ages that it took me so long to read a new BDB book. I'd started it back in April, then gave it up out of boredom at like 30% - at the first scene of det. Erika Sounders, because 'oh my god another human spare me'.
But generally speaking, all the first third of the book was a slow descent into boredom.
I can say it gets better during the second half; it's in fact a transition book, as 'The King' has been, in which Ward sets the scenery up for at least two or three future books.
The one thing that surely made me stick so long with this series is that the plot always advances, and I really liked all the scenes in which the Brotherhood was involved, and thanks a lot for them, because Sahvage and Mae... I had huge war flashbacks from V's book. I really liked him, and honestly I also didn't understand why everyone seemed to dislike Mae that much until the final parts of the book. But the main problem wasn't them, was the absolutely zero chemistry they had, I wouldn't be able to tell when they started to be attracted to each other, and if external characters hadn't point it out loud, I wouldn't have known it at all. Zero. Chemistry. V and Jane.
This would give it two stars to be honest.
Zero stars for the couple, two stars for the plot. The third one is because of the scenes with V, thank you so much.